1. Research interested
Effects of land titling on Agricultural Productivity in Rural Cambodia
2. Article / Journal
The productivity impacts of formal and informal land rights: Evidence from Madagascar (2013) / Land Economics
3. Presenter
: Jungwook Ahn
4. When
2019. 01. 24. (Thu) - 11:30 ~ 13:00
5. Where
Seminar room 406, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology
6. Main contents
○ This paper investigates the relationship between land rights and agricultural productivity in Madagascar.
○ To control unobserved heterogeneity between plots, the data used here includes precise soil quality measurement.
7. Method-used
○ OLS, Instrumental Variable Estimation, Household Fixed Effect
8. Results
○ Formal land rights have no impact on productivity
○ Informal land rights have heterogeneous impacts on productivity