1. Research interested
Consumer research
2. Article / Journal
Consumer Preferences for Fruit and Vegetables with Credence-Based Attributes: A Review
3. Presenter
: Yeongseon Joo
4. When
2018. 10. 17. (Thu) - 11:30 ~ 13:00
5. Where
Cafe Basello
6. Main contents
○ This paper reviews studies about quality and credence attributes of fruits and vegetables. It is to identify and rank the attributes that have been shown to be relevant and decisive in purchasing and willingness to pay for IPM and organically grown fruits and vegetables. Also, the authors try to improve understanding of the differences and similarities across the USA, European and Asian regions.
○ According to the database of 40 studies, numerous specific attributes were found to influence consumer buying behavior and the wtp for IPM, organically grown and other sustainably produced f/v. In categorizing attributes, experience related attributes that are clearly present in all foods are common, as are credence attributes.
7. Method-used
○ Review and categorize 40 studies
8. Results
○ This research provides a summary of attributes which likely drive consumers buying behavior of sustainable f.v. The review confirms that the choice to buy and wtp for fresh f.v is primarily driven by privately-oriented attributes such as personal health or experiential eating quality. Only health related aspects are similarly valued across regions, while the importance of others attributes varies considerably by consumers` place.