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Research project
Since 2014, we have been working on below research projects.
메콩 지역의 지속 가능한 개발을 위한 메콩강위원회(MRC) 등
다자협의체와 협력 확대 방안
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Evaluation of Environmental and Economic Value for
Cultivation of Subtropical Crops
아열대 작물의 현장 재배를 위한 환경·경제적 가치 평가 분석
Research Institute of Global Warming and Agriculture, National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration
농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 온난화대응연구소
Service for creating the Rural Development Administration's International Development Cooperation Evaluation Manual
농촌진흥청 국제개발협력 평가 매뉴얼 개발 용역
Rural Development Administration
North Korea's Emerging Security Crisis from a Food Security Perspective and Inter-Korean Cooperation
식량안보 관점의 북한 신안보 위기와 남북 협력
Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National Univ
서울대학교 통일평화연구원
개도국과의 스마트 농업 협력 현황과 시사점
Korea Development Institute
사회네트워크 시뮬레이션을 통한 정보확산의 기술채택 효과와 태국에의 응용
National Research Foundation of Korea
Promoting best practices of OCOP and lessons learned from ROK
Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO), South Korea
아세안 협력과제 발굴 연구
Korea Agency of Education, Promotion and Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Development of vegetable, forage related cropping systems adaptable to the food production of North Korea
채소, 조사료 연계 북한 식량작물 작부체계 기술개발
Rural Development Administration
Implications of Cross-Straight Agricultural Cooperation
for Inter-Korean Cooperation
양안(兩岸) 농업분야 협력이 남북한 협력에 주는 시사점
Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National Univ
서울대학교 통일평화연구원
Implications for cooperative farm reform of
regime-changed state in North Korea
체제전환국의 협동농장 개혁이 북한에 주는 시사점
Institute for Peace and Unification Studies Seoul National Univ
A Study on the Implementation of Policies and International Agreements for the Preservation of Sustainable Biological Diversity and the Utilization of Biological Resources
지속가능한 생물 다양성 보존과 생물자원의 이용을 위한 정책 및 국제협약 이행 분석 연구
Korea Legislation Research Institute
A Study on Korea's Cooperation Strategy with Mekong Countries through Regional/Intergovernmental Organizations
한국과 메콩지역 협력체와의 중장기 상생전략 수립 연구
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Development of Agroforestry Model in the North Korea
북한 임농복합경영 모델 개발 연구
Seoul National University
Rural Household Development and Consumer’s Preference of
Agri-food in Mekong Countries
for International Agricultural Cooperation
Seoul National Univeresity
Urban Agriculture Policy for Democratic People's Republic of Korea
북한 도시 농업 정책 연구
Institute for Peace and Unification Studies Seoul National University
A Study on Development Cooperation of
Agricultural and Forestry Sector in Myanmar
미얀마의 농림업 분야 개발협력 방안
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
A Study on the Evaluation of the Korea-New Zealand
FTA Cooperation Project and Improvement Plan
한국-뉴질랜드 FTA 협력사업 평가 대응 및 사업 개선방안 연구
Korea Agency of Education, Promotion & Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
국제행사 타당성조사 편익 추정 및 경제성 분석
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
메콩지역(베트남, 캄보디아, 라오스) 농산업부문 녹색경제 융합 혁신전략 연구
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
A Study on the Innovation Strategies of Green Economy Convergence in the Agricultural and Industrial Sector of Mekong Region
(Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos)
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Study on Human Resource Needs and Skills
Development of Agriculture
(Mechanization and Post-Harvest Technologies and Food Processing)
World Bank
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