KIM, Taeyoon
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA
Class of 2009
M.S. in Economics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Class of 2004
B.A. in Economics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Class of 2001
Professional Experience
Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University. (Mar. 2018 - Current)
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology (Sep. 2014 - Feb. 2018)
/ Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (Jan. 2014 - Aug. 2018), Seoul National University. -
Research Fellow, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (Jun. 2009 - Dec. 2013)
Research / Graduate Assistant, Oklahoma State University (Aug. 2005 - May. 2009)
Conference Presentation (Paper in progress or published)
Kim, B. and T. Kim. 2018. “Impact of Information Accessibility on Smallholder Farmers' Income and Productivity by Season; The Case of Lao PDR” Paper presented at SDC Conference, Ann Arbor MI, 9-11, Nov.
Ahn, J. and T. Kim. 2018. “Do Land Rights Improve Agricultural Productivity and Investment in Cambodia?” Paper presented at 4th AFSA International Conference on Food Safety and Food Security, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 10-12 Aug.
Joo, Y. and T. Kim. 2018. “Vietnam Consumers' Preferences for Ginseng Products: Effects of Vietgap, Korean Nationality, and 3 Specific Brands” Paper presented at 2018 KAEA Conference, Yeosoo, Korea, 28-29 June.
Kim, T. 2013. “Korea’s Potential for Aid for Trade” Paper presented at the Seminar of Furthering Cooperation for Enhanced Friendship and Common Prosperity Through ODA, Manila, Dec. 4.
Kim, T. 2014. “Economies of Scale with Aggregate Data in Korean Rice Farms” Paper presented at WEAI 89th Conference, Denver, CO, June 27 June – July 1.
Kim, T. 2013. “Korea’s Potential for Aid for Trade” Paper presented at the Seminar of Furthering Cooperation for Enhanced Friendship and Common prosperity Through ODA, Manila, Dec. 4.
Kim, T., and P. Kenkel, and B.W. Brorsen. 2009. “Forecasting Demand for Rural Electric Cooperative Call Center.” Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Atlanta GA, 31 Jan.- 3 Feb. -
Kenkel, P, and T. Kim. 2009. “Optimal Cash Purchase Strategies to Reduce Fertilizer Price Risk.” Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Atlanta GA, 31 Jan.- 3 Feb.
Kim, T., W. Brorsen, and P. Kenkel. 2008. “Estimation of Efficiency with a Stochastic Frontier Cost Function and Heteroscedasticity: A Monte Carlo Study.” Paper presented at AAEA annual meeting, Orlando Fl, 27-29 July.
Kenkel, P, and T. Kim. 2008. “The Impact of Drought on Grain Handling Firms.” Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Dallas TX, 2-6 Feb.
Kenkel, P, and T. Kim. 2008. “Investigation of the Costs of an Increased Shipping Standard for Cotton Warehouses.” Paper presented at SAEA annual meeting, Dallas TX, 2-6 Feb.
Journal Publication
Ahn, J.W. and T. Kim. 2023. "Does land tilting improve agricultural productivity? Evidence from Rural Cambodia" 농업경제연구 64(3) 133-155.
Vo, T.C., S. Ji. and T. Kim. 2023. "한국산 신선딸기 시·비시식 간 베트남 소비자 선호도 비교 분석” 농업경영·정책연구 50(3) 359-371.
Kim, B. and T. Kim. 2023. “The Impact of Indigenous People’s Pre-existing Information on Rice Farming: Finding from Laos” East Asian Economic Review 27(1): 3-31.
Kim, Y. and T. Kim. 2023. “Smallholder Farmer’s Willingness to Pay for Urea-Molassess Block: Evidence from Laos” The Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture 35(1): 1-10.
Joo, Y., T. Kim, D.K. Nguyen, and C. Kim. 2021. “Vietnamese Preferences for Fresh Korean Ginseng with Labels of Certification, Nationality, Private Brands, and Shopping Places” Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics 62(3): 177-200.
Lee, Y., D. An and T. Kim. 2020. “The Effects of Agricultural Extension Service on Crop Production, Revenue and Profit: Evidence from Mbale District in Uganda” Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics 61(3): 161-179.
Cho, S. and T. Kim. 2019. “Does the Farmer Field Schools Program Improve Farmers’ Behavior to Adopt the Drought-tolerant Rice Varieties in Pangasinan, the Philippines?” Journal of Rural Development 42(2): 71-99.
Lee, J.W., T. Kim. and V. Napasirth. 2017. “Valuing Attributes of Fluid Milk in Laos” East Asian Economic Review 21(3): 179-194.
Cho, S. and T. Kim. 2017. “Determinants of Poverty Status in Rwanda” African Development Review 29(2): 337-349.
You, S. and T. Kim. 2016. “Can Agricultural Aid and Remittances Alleviate Macroeconomic Volatility in Response to Climate Change Shocks?” Environmental and Resource Economics Review 25(4): 471-494.
Kim, T. 2016. “Economies of Scale with Aggregate Data in Korean Rice Farms” Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(3): 235-251.
Kim, T. and K.P. Kim. 2015. “Estimating Ad-valorem Equivalents of Non-tariff Measurements for Importing Kimchi Focused on China” Korean Journal of Agricultural Economics 56(2): 45-65. (in Korean)
W. Brorsen and T. Kim. 2013. “Data Aggregation in Stochastic Frontier Models: The Closed Skew Normal Distribution”, Journal of Productivity Analysis 39(1): 27-34.
김태윤. 2013. “농업분야의 동남아 개발수요와 한국의 ODA 추진방향 모색” 국제개발협력.
Kim, T., W. Brorsen, and P. Kenkel. 2012. “Forecasting Hourly Peak Call Volume for a Rural Electric Cooperative Call Center”, Journal of Forecasting 31: 314-329.
Kim, T. 2009. Three Essays on Applied Economics: Rural Electric Cooperative Call Center Demand, Fertilizer Price Risk, and Estimating Efficiency with Data Aggregation, Ph.D. Dissertation at the Oklahoma State University.
Kenkel, P., R. Ginder, and T. Kim. 2008. "Reflections on the Journal of Cooperatives 1986-2003." Journal of Cooperatives 21: 35-50.
Published Report
The New Southern Policy Plus Progress and Way Forward. (연구참여, 2021.12.) 대외경제정책연구원
한국과 메콩지역의 중장기 상생전략: 지역협력체를 중심으로 (연구책임, 2019.12.), 대외경제정책연구원
미얀마 농림업분야 개발협력 방안 (연구책임, 2018.12.), 대외경제정책연구원
메콩 유역 개발과 환경 협력의 딜레마와 거버넌스: 1장 메콩지역의 경제성장과 농업농촌의 발전 (연구참여, 2018.1.), 진인진.
Kim, C-O., D. An and T. Kim. 2017. “Korea’s Development Cooperation for Agriculture in Laos”, KIEP. (in Korean)
전략지역심층연구 논문집 I 동남아시아, 인도남아시아: 미시자료를 이용한 베트남 중소기업의 생산성 분석 (연구참여, 2016.12.), 대외경제정책연구원
세계농업: SDGs와 농촌개발 현황 및 시사점 (연구책임자, 2016.4.), 한국농촌경제연구원
동남아 주요 신흥국가와의 산업협력 강화전략 (연구책임자, 2013.12.30.), 대외경제정책연구원.
국제행사타당성조사 일반지침 수립을 위한 방법론 연구 (연구참여, 2013.12.30), 대외경제정책연구원.
한국의 메콩 지역개발 중장기 협력방안: 농업, 인프라 및 인적자원개발을 중심으로 (연구 책임자, 2012.12.30), 대외경제정책연구원.
동남아시아의 개발수요와 한국의 분야별 ODA 추진방안 (연구참여, 2012.12.30), 대외경제정책연구원.
베트남 및 인도네시아 진출 한국기업의 경영실태와 생산성 분석 (연구책임자, 2011.12.30), 대외경제정책연
구원. -
메콩지역 개발 전략: 태국, 캄보디아, 라오스 (연구책임자, 2011.12.30), 대외경제정책연구원.
인도네시아 비관세장벽 현황과 철강제품 비관세조치의 관세상당치 추정 연구 (연구책임자, 2010.12.30.), 대외경제정책연구원.
동남아 산업구조 변화와 시사점: 전략산업을 중심으로 (연구책임자, 2010.12.30), 대외경제정책연구원.
ASEAN 주요국의 비관세장벽 현황과 대응방안 (연구책임자, 2010.12.30.), 대외경제정책연구원.