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작성자 사진CIAD

2017 Agricultural Economics Summer Conference

2017 Agricultural Economics Summer Conference

1) Place: El Dorado Resort, Shinan Gun 2) Period: July 6 -7, 2017 3) Participants : Prof. Taeyoon Kim, Sunmee Cho, Byoungkyun Jeon, Shinhye Kang, Jungman Choi, Yongeun Lee, Jung Wook Ahn, Bheomseok Kim Yeongseon Joo 4) Presenter - Shinhye Kang : Valuing Atrributes for Red Ginseng in Vietnam - Sunmee Cho: Farmer's Willingness to Adopt the Drought-tolerant Rice Varieties: The Role of Farmer Field ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2017년 하계 농업경제학회

장소: 전남 신안군 엘도라도 리조트

기간: 2017년 7월 6일(목) - 7일(금)

참석인원: 김태윤교수님, 조선미, 전병균, 강신혜, 최정만, 이용은, 안정욱, 김범석, 주영선

발표자: 강신혜, 조선미 - 강신혜: Valuing Atrributes for Red Ginseng in Vietnam - 조선미: Farmer's Willingness to Adopt the Drought-tolerant Rice Varieties : the Role of Farmer Field Schoolds and Farm Labor Force in Pangasinan, Phililppines

조회수 10회댓글 0개

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