Winter Conference by Korea Agricultural Economics Association
1) Date: Dec 14, 2017 2) Place: Naju Korea Rural Economic Institute 3) Participants: - Prof. Kim Tae-yun, Byeong-gyun Jeon, Jung-man Choi, Jungwook Ahn
4) Presentation topic
- Professor Taeyoon Kim: (Panel Discussion) Future Direction of Korean Agricultural Economics
- Byoungkyoon Jeon: Does Agricultural Aid for Trade Improve Export Performance of Developing Countries?
- Jungman Choi : Factors Affecting Farmer's Adoption of Hybrid Rice Varieties in Bangladesh
- Jungwook Ahn: Why does Tonle Sap Zone have the Lowest Rice Productivity in Cambodia?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 한국농업경제학회 동계학술대회
날짜: 2017년 12월 14일 (목) 장소: 나주 한국농촌경제연구원 참석자: 김태윤 교수님, 전병균, 최정만, 안정욱
- 김태윤 교수님: (패널토론) 장래 한국 농업경제학의 나아갈 방향
- 전병균: Does Agricultural Aid for Trade Improve Export Performance of Developing Countries?
- 최정만: Factors Affecting Farmer's Adoption of Hybrid Rice Varieties in Bangladesh
- 안정욱: Why does Tonle Sap Zone have the Lowest Rice Productivity in Cambodia?